2011 AWRA Alaska Section Annual Conference
Optimization of Bradley Lake Hydropower using Lake Elevation Rule Curve Modeling - Edmund Parvin, University of Alaska, Anchorage ABSTRACT Citation Reference Bradley Lake Hydropower Facility does not currently operate under any controlled system to optimize power production. This study simulated power production during a six year period from 2003 to 2009, to determine an optimal rule curve based operational system to increase power production. Numerous lake elevation rule curves were tested as operational constraints to determine maximum power production and determine the role of seasonal operational shutdowns have on overall power production. Moving Bradley Lake from a need based power generation facility to rule curve based power generation will lead to 3-4% increase in power generation. Instead of using hydro power secondary and complimentary to natural gas generation, Bradley Lake, a renewable resource, would be only run if predetermined rule curve lake elevations are met.
Parvin, E. (2011). Optimization of Bradley Lake Hydropower using Lake Elevation Rule Curve Modeling. Retrieved from Alaska Section of the American Water Resources Association 2011 Conference Proceedings Web site: http://www.awra.org/state/alaska/proceedings/2011abstracts/