2017 Annual Conference -
Alaska Chapter - American Fisheries Society Alaska (AC-AFS) / Alaska Section
AS-AWRA UAV-Based Remote Sensing WorkshopThank You to Our Sponsors
Instructor Bios Eyal Saiet, ACUASI, ejsaiet@alaska.edu, 907- 455-2029 Eyal Saiet is one of the project managers for the University of Alaska Fairbanks-Alaska Center for Unmanned Aircraft System Integration (ACUASI). Eyal got his Bsc in chemistry in 2013 which lead him to work on one of the first methane sniffers for UAS pipeline work. Since then, his focus has become stronger in airborne remote sensing, and he is now pursuing a graduate degree in that field while working on various remote sensing challenges for ACUASI aircrafts. One of the recent projects was a mission out of Barrow, Alaska to construct an accurate Digital Elevation Model of the near-shore sea ice. When not in the field he is working on designing new airborne instrumentation or payloads, for future missions. Eyal has lived in Fairbanks, Alaska for more than eight years, and while not working enjoys exploring Alaska both in summer and winter. For more information you can find Eyal through email: ejsaiet@alaska.edu Carl France, Aquilo, carl@aquiloalaska.com, 907-371-0843 Carl moved from Huntington Beach, California to pursue a pilot's degree at the University of Alaska Anchorage. After several semesters he discovered that engineering was his true passion and he transferred to UAF where he completed a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. As CEO of Aquilo, Carl melds his passion for aviation, engineering and technology into using unmanned aircraft for scientific and industrial applications. Charlie Parr, charlie.parr@alaska.edu, 907-978-4909 Charlie is using airborne lidar and photogrammetry to study snow in Arctic tundra environments. His background includes working with UAVs and rural students in educational programs. Return to Main UAV Workshop Page |