Alaska Section, American Water Resources Association Michael R. Lilly, Alaska Section AWRA Northern-Region Director I would like to invite you to the March 1997 Brown-Bag presentation by Stan Justice, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. Stan's talk should be of interest to those interested in the history of mining activities in Alaska and Canada. Stan is the Northern Drinking Water Program Manager, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and graduated from UAF in 1975 with a masters degree in environmental engineering. After a two year stint with the Peace Corps building small water systems in Nepal, he went to work for ADEC. He has worked for the state for 17 years, mostly in the Public Drinking Water Program. March 1997 Alaska Section AWRA, Norther Region Brown Bag Lunch Meeting Presentation Stan Justice, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. In 1983 Helen Meyers conducted some asbestos testing in selected Alaskan Rivers. The results consistently showed the Yukon River to have high asbestos levels. The water results were confirmed by studies documenting asbestos levels in fish and game of the upper Yukon River. In 1996 ADEC collected samples of Yukon River water and found no asbestos. The 1983 findings might have been caused by problems occurring at the Clinton Creek Asbestos mine in Yukon territories. Tailings piles slide down and across creek valleys, forming two unintended lakes. |