May 2004 Flooding in Delta Junction: A
look at the causes and impacts Ed Plumb, National Weather Service Record flooding occurred in Delta Junction during early May 2004. Many long-time residents claimed that this was the worst flooding in the area in over 40 years. Several variables combined to produce the extensive flooding. Warm temperatures accompanied by an unusually heavy spring rainfall May 6-7th resulted in a significant rain-on-snow event in the central Alaska Range. This sent a surge of water into streams draining the north side of the Alaska Range, including Jarvis Creek. Water moving down Jarvis Creek encountered an area of aufeis which forced the creek overbank and into an old channel which flows through the community of Delta Junction. Inadequate culverts and raised roadbeds exacerbated the impact of flooding as water backed up into residences and over roads. This talk will look at some of the details that led up to the flooding, as well as some of the actions taken to mitigate the floodwaters. |