Transport of fecal bacteria in a rural Alaskan village

Molly Chambers, UAF-WERC

People living without piped water and sewer can be at increased risk for fecal-oral diseases. One Alaskan village that relies on hauled water and honeybuckets was involved in this study to determine the pathways of fecal contamination of the human environment and drinking water so that barriers can be established to protect health. Samples were tested for the fecal indicators E. coli and Enterococcus as well as the pathogens Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum. Human and animal fecal contamination was found within the village. Objects such as ATV tires and boots transported bacteria within the village and into the home. Flow transported bacteria within the community at breakup, but flow from the dump did not appear to contribute to contamination in town. Within the home viable fecal bacteria were found on water dippers, kitchen counters and floors and in washbasin water. Giardia was found at the dump, but not in the washeteria's raw water intake. Exposure to fecal contamination could be reduced by cleaning up after dogs, careful disposal of honeybucket bags and gray water, changing washbasin water and by protecting stored drinking water.