Home > Meetings > BrownBag > Northern Region AWRA Alaska Northern-Region Meetings

Katrina Bennett, AWRA Northern-Region Director

Dates and locations vary and are subject to change for the 2012-2013 talks, and we will make every attempt to keep you informed of any changes as they occur. We plan to send an email out the week prior to each talk, so if you have not been receiving emails and wish to, please contact Katrina Bennett at (907) 474-1939 or kebennett@alaska.edu. Brownbag talks are from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm on the second Wednesday of each month. We meet in the conference room at the Department of Natural Resources, 3700 Airport Way (across from the Airport Way Fred Meyer Store).

Fall 2012/Spring 2013 Brown Bag Lunch Meeting Agenda
November 14, 2012 Dr. Dan Mann, Is Alaska�s Boreal Forest Now Crossing a Major Ecological Threshold? Department of Geography, University of Alaska Fairbanks
December 12, 2012 Dr. Kenji Yoshikawa, Perennial and seasonal frost mounds hydrology based on ice cored stable isotope data Research Professor of Water Resources, Institute of Northern Engineering, Water and Environmental Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks
January 9, 2013 Dr. Gabriel J. Wolken, Future glacier and runoff changes in the Susitna drainage basin Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
February 13, 2013 Douglas L. Kane and Emily K. Youcha, The Hydrology of Rivers Draining the Central Brooks Range, Alaska Water and Environmental Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks
March 13, 2013 Nicole Kinsman, Field Observations of the November 2011 Bering Sea Storm and An Introduction to Local Tidal Datums in Alaska Geologist - Coastal Hazards, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
April 10, 2013 Chas Jones and Phillip Wilson, Tanana River Groundwater Regimes University of Alaska Fairbanks, International Arctic Research Center (Chas Jones) and West Valley High School (Phillip Wilson)
May 8, 2013 Dr. Dennis R. Lassuy, North Slope Science Initiative Project Update Deputy Director, North Slope Science Initiative
Northern Region Brown Bag Agendas and Available Abstracts

Please visit our previous years Northern Region Brown-Bag abstracts and talks. Information is kept on-line to better serve our speakers, members, and the public.

View Past Brown Bags by Year.