Alaska Section, AWRA, Northern-Region Brown-Bag Meetings
February 21, 2018 Fairbanks Area Stormwater Analysis and Mapping Dr. Erica Betts, Lead Environmental Analyst, The Fairbanks North Star Borough, City of Fairbanks, City of North Pole, DOT&PF Northern Region, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks are all agencies that support stormwater management activities in the Fairbanks area’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). Erica will present recent efforts to develop a GIS database to assist in asset management and stormwater modeling for this system. Discussion will include:
Select Presentation Figure Figure 1. Development Scenario for Stormwater System Planning. Erica will also describe a comparison project for two stormwater catchment systems within the Fairbanks area. In 2016 data was collected to assess stormwater runoff capture at bioswales at the Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center and the Carlson Center. This work was supported by the Tanana Valley Watershed Association as part of their Green Infrastructure initiative. Select Presentation Figures Figure 2. Carlson Center bioswale. Figure 3. Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center bioswale. Webex Registration Available