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Culvert Sizing for Climate Change, Case Studies in Alaska

Author: Betts, Erica D., R&M Consultants

Video Presentation


Design engineers in Alaska are challenged with designing infrastructure in a rapidly changing environment. Methods are being explored for incorporating potential climate changes that may occur within the design life of these infrastructure components. This talk will present case studies of culvert sizing exercises for infrastructure projects across Alaska where various methods were used to assess potential changes in flow volumes over the life of the culverts. A discussion of methodology, results, and limitations will be included as well as future directions.


Please use the following citation when citing this presentation:

Betts, E.D. (2023, March 6-8). Culvert Sizing for Climate Change, Case Studies in Alaska. Alaska Section American Water Resources Association 2023 Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK, United States. https://ak-awra.org/proceedings/2023/EricaBetts_Culverts.html