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NOAA's Planned Updates to the Precipitation Frequency Atlas and Probable Maximum Precipitation

Authors: Cherry, Jessica, NESDIS/NCEI; Johnson, Crane, NWS

Video Presentation


This presentation will explain the transition from NOAA's Atlas-14 precipitation recurrence interval product to Atlas-15, giving an opportunity for product users to be engaged during the development. An update to a second product, Probable Maximum Precipitation, will also be discussed including methods to capture extreme events. Differences with existing climate-projected products will also be discussed.


Please use the following citation when citing this presentation:

Cherry, J. and Johnson, C. (2023, March 6-8). NOAA's Planned Updates to the Precipitation Frequency Atlas and Probable Maximum Precipitation. Alaska Section American Water Resources Association 2023 Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK, United States. https://ak-awra.org/proceedings/2023/JessicaCherry_PrecipFrequency.html