Home > Proceedings > 2023 Proceedings Listing > AWRA Alaska 2023 Conference Proceedings

Advancements in River and Tidal Energy Production in Alaska

Authors: Jackinsky, Merrick F., ORPC

Video Presentation


This presentation will provide and update on ORPC's RivGen Power System operations in Igiugig, AK and it's interactions with the Kvichak River as well as address initial findings for the potential to produce Hydrogen using tidal power systems in Alaska.


Please use the following citation when citing this presentation:

Jackinsky, M.F. (2023, March 6-8). Advancements in River and Tidal Energy Production in Alaska. Alaska Section American Water Resources Association 2023 Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK, United States. https://ak-awra.org/proceedings/2023/MerrickJackinsky_AdvRiverTidalEnergyProd.html