AWRA Alaska Northern-Region Meetings

November 4, 2009 Robert J. Henszey, Ph.D., Developing a Riparian Plan for the Fairbanks North Star Borough, Tanana Valley Watershed Association, US Fish & Wildlife Service

Developing a Riparian Plan for the Fairbanks North Star Borough

Robert J. Henszey and Joni Scharfenberg
Tanana Valley Watershed Association

This presentation will show river processes eroding streamside property, costs asociated with fighting erosion, and the value of riparian areas for fish and wildlife habitat. The presentation is part of the public participation effort by the Fairbanks North Star Borough and the Tanana Valley Watershed Association while formulating a riparian plan for the Borough.

Within the Fairbanks North Star Borough there are over 9,000 miles of mostly unspoiled and free flowing waterways that have outstanding fisheries, wildlife, recreation, home site and economic opportunities.
Some processes that help to maintain these healthy waterways, however, such as overbank flooding and channel migration across the floodplain, can pose problems for business and property owners. Riparian areas provide a natural, no cost alternative to expensive riprap and other constructed bank protection measures to help minimize these problems. Unfortunately, improper riparian vegetation management and other activities can easily damage this important link between land and water that provides some of the most productive wildlife habitat in Alaska. The Borough recognizes this potential problem, and is partnering with the TVWA to develop a riparian plan for the Borough. Steps in the plan’s development include educating Borough residents about the potential problems in riparian areas and soliciting their suggestions for solutions, compiling and publishing a review of the science to see how others have addressed similar problems, soliciting public comments on a draft plan based on earlier public comments and the scientific review, and finally submitting the plan to the Borough Assembly for potential adoption